Tuesday, October 03, 2006


That Lady Bunny has a strange outlook on life Click here to read more from Her

Pedophilia outrages almost everyone, particularly religious right-wingers who form the backbone of republican voters. When are these little old gray-haired ladies going to acknowledge the widespread, very un-christian corruption within their sworn political party, with whom they're alligned so closely that preachers in the last presidential election testified that a vote for John Kerry was a vote for the devil? Again and again, as someone wrote into CNN, the GOP sends the message "Do as we say, not as we do." Do you really think that ads urging Bush to help stop the murder in Darfur are going to help? You're appealing to a killer's non-existent conscience to stop killing in a country which has no oil? Puhlease! Recognize the republican beast for what it is. Will this flap over the page still "resonate"--ie pentrate and remain in their backward skulls--with conservative, bible-thumping voters in November?

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